//Countdown date TehDatum = "October 13, 2008 22:40:00"; //Refresh timer in seconds TehDelay = 1; //the 'until' text TehWha = "do 20 let !"; //What do display if the counter ended TehAfter = "20 let !"; //Smallest unit: dan, ura, minuta, sekunda TehMode = "sekunda"; //end config ----------------------------- function OnEvent_Initialize(MessengerStart){ MsgPlus.AddTimer("RFR",1000); } function OnEvent_Signin(Email) { MsgPlus.AddTimer("RFR",1000); } function OnEvent_Timer(sTimerId){ if(sTimerId == "RFR"){ var dns = new Date(); var pb = new Date(TehDatum); var d = pb.getTime() - dns.getTime(); d=d/1000; dni=Math.floor(d/3600/24); ur=Math.floor((d-(dni*3600*24))/3600); min=Math.floor((d-(dni*3600*24)-(ur*3600))/60); sec=Math.floor(d-(dni*3600*24)-(ur*3600)-(min*60)); time = "Še "+dni+" dni, "+ur+" ur, "+min+" minut in "+sec+" sekund "+TehWha; if(TehMode == "dan") { time = "Še "+dni+" dni "+TehWha; } if(TehMode == "ura") { time = "Še "+dni+" dni in "+ur+" ur "+TehWha; } if(TehMode == "minuta") { time = "Še "+dni+" dni, "+ur+" ur in "+min+" minut "+TehWha; } if(pb.getTime() < dns.getTime()) { time = TehAfter; } Messenger.MyPersonalMessage = time; MsgPlus.AddTimer("RFR",TehDelay*1000); } }
Sep 27, 2008
MSN Plus : simple countdown script
Simplest countdown script for MSN Plus. Seriously.
indexOf in PHP
I found this function very useful in almost every project I do.
indexOf() returns element's key in an array.
The parameters for this function are:
- the array to search
- the value to search
Return value is the element key.
The parameters for this function are:
- the array to search
- the value to search
Return value is the element key.
function indexof($array,$value) { foreach($array as $key=>$val) if($val == $value) return $key; }
Sep 24, 2008
ActionScript: Controling volume of all sounds
By creating a sound object with no target on the highest level, you can control volume of all sounds on the stage.
var s:Sound = new Sound(); s.setVolume(0);This will mute all sounds. The setVolume() parameter is given as percentage, so the value is between 0 and 100 where 0 is muted.
Sep 20, 2008
PHP: redefining, deleting, adding functions on the fly
Allthough this is not possible with just pure PHP - quote from the manual "...nor is it possible to undefine or redefine previously-declared functions.".
The only thing PHP CAN do is to create function anonymously with create_function(), which is a runkit equivalent to runkit_function_add();
Redefining and undefining is still possible with runkit functions. This requires an additional software install - it is a PHP addon (PECL extension), a brief howto is explained here: http://si2.php.net/manual/en/runkit.installation.php.
If you're using FreeBSD, installation from ports is fairly simple, you just
cd /usr/ports/devel/pecl-runkit make install cleanAfther that, the runkit functions run brilliantly and you can use tools like
runkit_function_add('testme','$a,$b','echo "The value of a is $a\n"; echo "The value of b is $b\n";'); runkit_function_redefine('testme','','echo "New Testme Implementation\n";'); runkit_function_copy('original','duplicate'); runkit_function_rename('duplicate','dupl1c4t3'); runkit_function_remove('original');These are mostly examples from PHP.net, but you get the idea. There are not a lot of examples there, nor comments (which I find rather strange), so from this point on, you're on your own to explore further. I haven't used these functions yet, but I have an idea for when and where they could be useful - for example: My Online Briscola server runs on an endless PHP loop, so for any change I make, I need to restart the server, which is a bad option if there are users on the server. With runkit, I could put all updatable functions in a seperate include file and use runkit to refresh the include functions every few minutes. But remember, all paramaters in runkit are strings which can be quite confusing the first time you use it, but you'll get the hang of it.
PHP: XML Generator - array to xml converter
I created this class for my Online Briscola project - which is a client-server application, the client application is a flash movie and the server runs on PHP sockets. They comunicate through XML commands, so this class is basicly an array-to-xml converter.
It uses PHP's XMLWriter
<? class xmlgen { var $xml; var $ver; var $charset; function xmlgen($ver='1.0',$charset='UTF-8') { $this->ver = $ver; $this->charset = $charset; } function generate($root,$data=array()) { $this->xml = new XmlWriter(); $this->xml->openMemory(); $this->xml->startDocument($this->ver,$this->charset); $this->xml->startElement($root); $this->write($this->xml, $data); $this->xml->endElement(); $this->xml->endDocument(); $xml = $this->xml->outputMemory(true); $this->xml->flush(); return $xml; } function write(XMLWriter $xml, $data){ foreach($data as $key => $value){ if(is_array($value)){ $xml->startElement($key); $this->write($xml,$value); $xml->endElement(); continue; } $xml->writeElement($key,$value); } } } ?>When the object is constructed
$xmlgen = new xmlgen();you can pass your array to the class' generate() function, for example
$array = array( "first_element"=>"element_value", "second_element"=>array( "second_element_value1"=>"value1_subvalue") ); echo $xmlgen->generate('root',$array);The output will be something simmilar to:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <root> <first_element> element_value </first_element> <second_element> <second_element_value1> value1_subvalue </second_element_value1> </second_element> </root>
Sep 19, 2008
PHP: sudoku solver
This was also my assignment in college, allthough in Java, but I like it better in PHP.
You can see this script live on http://www.kafol.net/sudoku.
<?php set_time_limit(500); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1250" /> <title>Sudoku solver</title> </head> <body> <h3>- jean caffou</h1> <form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action=""> <label> <textarea name="grid" id="grid" cols="20" rows="12"><? if(isset($_POST['grid'])) echo $_POST['grid']; else { ?>0 9 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 8 1 0 0 6 7 5 1 0 6 8 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 3 0 0 0 0 5 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 9 0 7 0 0 0 0 2 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 8 8 2 9 0 0 1 5 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 9 0<? } ?></textarea> </label> <label> <br /> Vnesi ?tevke od 1-9 v ?tevilsko mre?o. Kjer je mesto prazno, vnesi 0.<br /> <input type="submit" name="button" id="button" value="Re?i" /> </label> </form> <?php $grid=array(array()); $solvable = false; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if(isset($_POST['grid'])) { $str=$_POST['grid']; $elements=split("[\n\r\t ]+",$str); //elements must containt 81 numeric values $x=0; $y=0; if(count($elements)!=81) { echo "<center><h1>Neveljavna matrika"; exit; } for($i=1;$i<=81;$i++) { $val=$elements[$i-1]; $grid[$y][$x]=$val; if(!($val>=0&&$val<=9)) { echo "<center><h1>Neveljavna matrika"; exit; } $x++; if($x==9) { $x=0; $y++; } } $orig=$grid; if(solve(0,0)) disp(); if(!$solvable) echo "<h1>Ni re?itev."; } function solve($y,$x) { global $grid,$solvable; if($x==9) { $y++; $x=0; if($y==9) { $solvable=true; return true; } } if($grid[$y][$x]!=0) { //this position is already solved return solve($y,$x+1); } for($n=1;$n<=9;$n++) { if(ok($y,$x,$n)) { $grid[$y][$x]=$n; if(solve($y,$x+1)) { disp(); $solvable=true; } } } $grid[$y][$x]=0; return false; } function ok($y,$x,$n) { global $grid; for($i=0;$i<9;$i++) { //row if($grid[$y][$i]==$n) return false; if($grid[$i][$x]==$n) return false; } $r=floor($y/3)*3; $c=floor($x/3)*3; for($a=$r;$a<$r+3;$a++) for($b=$c;$b<$c+3;$b++) if($grid[$a][$b]==$n) return false; return true; } function disp() { global $grid,$orig; echo "<p><table border=\"2\">"; for($y=0;$y<9;$y++) { echo "<tr>"; if(($y+1)%3==1&&$y>2) echo "<tr></tr>"; for($x=0;$x<9;$x++) { $v=$grid[$y][$x]; $s=""; if($orig[$y][$x]!=$grid[$y][$x]) $s="<font color=red>"; echo "<td><strong>$s $v </td>"; if(($x+1)%3==0&&$x<8) echo "<td> </td>"; } echo "</tr>"; } echo "</table></p><br>"; } ?> </body> </html>
Java :: Working with matrixes
I had an assignment in college to build a Java program that would calculate matrix expressions. Examples for this were:
Expression: A = [ [ 1 2 ] [ 3 4 ] ] saves matrix 1 2 3 4 to variable A. Expression: B = A * A calculates the matrix A*A and saves the result in variable B Expression: B - [ [ 9 8 ] [ 7 6 ] ] calculates matrix B - matrix 9 8 7 6 and prints the resultHere's the class:
import java.util.*; import java.io.*; public class Matrike { //v hashmap se bodo shranjevale spremenljivke in njihove vrednosti static Map<String,String> vars = new HashMap<String,String>(); static boolean debug=false; //param debug za podrobnejsi izpis static boolean gotSyntaxError; //ne izpisi rezultata, ce je napaka /**************************************************************************************** M A I N (done) ****************************************************************************************/ public static void main(String[] args) { String niz = null; boolean ok=false; if(args.length>0)debug=args[0].equals("debug"); //debug=true/false BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); do { System.out.printf(": "); ok = false; try { niz = br.readLine(); ok = true; } catch(IOException ioe) { System.out.printf("! Input error\n"); ok = false; } if(ok && niz.length() > 0) { analiza(niz); //ce je vse ok in ni prazn string, zacni procesirat } } while (!niz.equals("exit")); //exit = komanda za izhod System.out.println("* Bye"); } /**************************************************************************************** P R O C E S I R A N J E K O M A N D E (done) ****************************************************************************************/ //analiza inputa - shrani spremenljivke, poslje izraz v funkcijo za racunanje public static void analiza(String niz) { StringBuffer varBuffer = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer valBuffer = new StringBuffer(); String val=null; //desna stran enacaja String var=null; //spremenljivka gotSyntaxError=false; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //[komande] izpisi vse spremenljivke if(niz.equals("vars")||niz.equals("var")||niz.equals("variables")){ printVars(); return; } if(niz.equals("clean")||niz.equals("clear")){ vars.clear(); System.out.println("* Cleaning up variables"); return; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //iskanje negativnih stevil, da se ne bo mesalo z operatorjem minus boolean foundOklepaj=false; StringBuffer nizReplace = new StringBuffer(); for(int i=0;i<niz.length();i++) { if(niz.charAt(i)=='[')foundOklepaj=true; //ce je negativna cifra znotraj matrike if(niz.charAt(i)==']')foundOklepaj=false; if((niz.charAt(i)=='-')&&foundOklepaj) { nizReplace.append('_'); //bo znak za minus zamenjalo s _ } else { nizReplace.append(niz.charAt(i)); } } niz=nizReplace.toString(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //shrani izraz za racunanje, ce je najden enacaj je ta za enacajem int eqLoc=0; for(int i=0;i<niz.length();i++)if(niz.charAt(i)=='=')eqLoc=i+1; //+1, enacaja ne shrani for(int i=eqLoc;i<niz.length();i++)valBuffer.append(niz.charAt(i)); val=valBuffer.toString(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //ce so v izrazu operatorji, je treba izraz poracunat in popravit spremenjivko val int nOperations=0; for(int i=0;i<niz.length();i++) if(niz.charAt(i)=='+'||niz.charAt(i)=='*'||niz.charAt(i)=='-') nOperations++; if(nOperations>0) { //ali je treba racunat? ///////POSLJI V KALKULATOR val = calcMatrix(val,nOperations); //treba je racunat, calcMatrix bo vrnila nov rezultat ///////---------- if((val != null) && (!gotSyntaxError)) { //izpise pa ga tule, ne calcMatrix, pa izpisi ce ni kasn error if(isScalar(val)) { //ce je matrika enodimenzionalna, je skalar - pretvori StringBuffer toScalar = new StringBuffer(); for(int i=0;i<val.length();i++) if( (val.charAt(i)!=' ') && (val.charAt(i)!='[') && (val.charAt(i)!=']') ) toScalar.append(val.charAt(i)); val=toScalar.toString(); } //TUKAJ JE GLAVNI IZPIS REZULTATA !!! System.out.printf("> %s\n",val); //---- } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //shrani spremenljivke for(int i=0;i<niz.length();i++) { if(niz.charAt(i)=='=') { for(int j=0;j<i;j++)varBuffer.append(niz.charAt(j)); var=varBuffer.toString(); vars.put(var.replaceAll(" ",""),val); } } } /**************************************************************************************** R A C U N A N J E I Z R A Z A M A T R I K (done) ****************************************************************************************/ public static String calcMatrix(String matrix,int nOperations) { /* kalkulator deluje na isti princip kot racuni.c - naredi dve tabeli: - tabela operandov - tabela operatorjev Nato se sprehajamo po tabeli operatorjev po prioriteti in racunamo po dva elementa hkrati. Rezultat napisemo v indeks prvega elementa, drugi element zbrisemo in zmanjsamo tabelo za 1 in pomaknemo v levo. Tabela je tridimenzionalna - prvi indeks je indeks operandov, druga dva indeksa sta 2D tabela matrike */ int[][][] izraz = new int[nOperations+1][][]; char[] operatorji = new char[nOperations]; String result=null; int a=0; //shrani operatorje for(int i=0;i<matrix.length();i++) if(matrix.charAt(i)=='+'||matrix.charAt(i)=='*'||matrix.charAt(i)=='-') { operatorji[a]=matrix.charAt(i); a++; } //shrani operande (matrike) v tabelo a=0; String tmp=null; //StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(matrix,"+-*"); //razbij po operatorjih String tokens[] = matrix.split("\\+|\\-|\\*"); //while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { for(int i=0;i<tokens.length;i++) { //tmp=st.nextToken(); tmp=tokens[i]; //poglej ce je tmp spremenljivka in jo zamenjaj z matriko tmp=varToMatrix(tmp); //poglej ce je tmp skalar in ga zamenjaj v 1x1 matriko ;-) if(isNumber(tmp)) { tmp=tmp.replaceAll(" ",""); StringBuffer skalar = new StringBuffer(); skalar.append("[["); try { skalar.append(Integer.parseInt(tmp)); } catch(NumberFormatException e) { System.out.printf("! Syntax error: scalar is not a number\n"); gotSyntaxError=true; return null; } skalar.append("]]"); tmp=skalar.toString(); } /*Y**************************************************************************************/ //poracunaj dimenzije tabele int y=getMatrixDimensionY(tmp); /*X*************************************************************************************/ int x=getMatrixDimensionX(tmp); /***************************************************************************************/ int counter=0; //to je sam za cekiranje try { //StringTokenizer stCount = new StringTokenizer(tmp," ]["); String numberTokens[]=tmp.split(" |\\[|\\]"); //while(stCount.hasMoreTokens()){ for(int w=0;w<numberTokens.length;w++) { if((numberTokens[w]!=null) && (!numberTokens[w].equals(""))) counter++; //stCount.nextToken(); } } catch(NullPointerException e) { System.out.println("! Syntax error: empty variable, clean up with 'vars'"); gotSyntaxError=true; return null; } if(debug)System.out.printf("calcMatrix? x=%d,y=%d\n",x,y); /***************************************************************************************/ //ce je x ali y negativen, ali nista kolicnika je struktura matrike nepravilna if(x==0||y==0) { System.out.printf("! Syntax error: no numbers in the matrix\n"); gotSyntaxError=true; return null; } if(x<0||y<0||counter%y!=0){ System.out.printf("! Syntax error: invalid matrix dimension\n"); gotSyntaxError=true; return null; } if((x>1)&&(counter%x!=0)) { System.out.printf("! Syntax error: missing number in the matrix\n"); gotSyntaxError=true; return null; } //pretvori string v tabelo integerjev izraz[a] = new int[x][y]; izraz[a]=matrixToTable(tmp,x,y); a++; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //TABELA JE SHRANJENA, zacni racunat int lenOperatorji=operatorji.length; int lenIzraz=izraz.length; String rezultat=null; /***** ISCI OPERATORJE IN POPRAVLJAJ TABELO ! *****/ for(int op=1;op<4;op++) { char f; switch(op) { default: case 1:f='*'; break; case 2:f='-'; break; case 3:f='+'; break; } int stejop=0; for(int i=0;i<lenOperatorji;i++) if(operatorji[i]==f)stejop++; while(stejop>0) { for(int i=0;i<lenOperatorji;i++) { //break => if(operatorji[i]==f) { if((isScalar(tableToMatrix(izraz[i])) || isScalar(tableToMatrix(izraz[i+1]))) && (f=='*')) { //ali je operacija s skalarjem //pozor: ta funkcija je definirana samo za mnozenje s skalarjem (ali ce sta oba skalarja), v drugem primeru se bo obravnavalo kot operacijo med dvema matrikama rezultat=doMatrixMath(izraz[i],izraz[i+1],'s'); int x=getMatrixDimensionX(rezultat); int y=getMatrixDimensionY(rezultat); if(x>0||y>0) izraz[i]=matrixToTable(rezultat,x,y); if(debug)System.out.printf("calcMatrix/ (Scalar) Set %s\n",rezultat); } else { //drugace... rezultat=doMatrixMath(izraz[i],izraz[i+1],f); if(debug)System.out.printf("calcMatrix/ Got %c\n",f); int x=getMatrixDimensionX(rezultat); int y=getMatrixDimensionY(rezultat); if(x>0||y>0) izraz[i]=matrixToTable(rezultat,x,y); if(debug)System.out.printf("calcMatrix/ Set %s\n",rezultat); } ////////////Popravi tabelo for(int j=i;j<lenOperatorji;j++) if(j+1<lenOperatorji)operatorji[j]=operatorji[j+1]; //kle! lenOperatorji--; //se operande for(int j=i+1;j<lenIzraz;j++) if(j+1<lenIzraz)izraz[j]=izraz[j+1]; lenIzraz--; ////////ok stejop--; break; // <= break } } } } result=tableToMatrix(izraz[0]); if(debug)System.out.printf("calcMatrix$ %s\n",result); return result; } /**************************************************************************************** METODA ZA DIMENZIJE MATRIKE ZA 2D TABELO (done) ****************************************************************************************/ public static int getMatrixDimensionX(String matrix) { int f=-1,g=-1,x=-1; if(matrix!=null) { for(int i=0;i<matrix.length();i++)if(matrix.charAt(i)=='[')f++; //x dimenzija tabele = N("[")-1 for(int i=0;i<matrix.length();i++)if(matrix.charAt(i)==']')g++; if(g==f)x=g; } return x; } public static int getMatrixDimensionY(String matrix) { int y=-1; int counter=0; if(matrix==null||matrix.equals("")||matrix.equals(null)) { if(debug)System.out.println("! Syntax error: null parameter (getMatrixDimension)"); gotSyntaxError=true; return -1; } String tmp=matrix; if(tmp==null||tmp.equals("")||tmp.equals(null)) { if(debug)System.out.println("! Syntax error: null parameter (getMatrixDimensionY)"); gotSyntaxError=true; return -1; } if(debug)System.out.printf("getMatrixDimensionY# %s\n",tmp); if(tmp!=null) { if(debug)System.out.printf("getMatrixDimensionY# Tokenizing ...\n"); //StringTokenizer stCount = new StringTokenizer(tmp," ]["); String numberTokens[]=tmp.split(" |\\[|\\]"); //while(stCount.hasMoreTokens()){ for(int w=0;w<numberTokens.length;w++) { if((numberTokens[w]!=null) && (!numberTokens[w].equals(""))) counter++; //stCount.nextToken(); } } y=counter/getMatrixDimensionX(tmp); //y dimenzija tabele = N(stevilk)/x return y; } /**************************************************************************************** METODA ZA RACUNANJE DVEH MATRIK ****************************************************************************************/ public static String doMatrixMath(int[][] p1,int[][] p2,char f) { String result=null; if(p1==null||p2==null) { System.out.println("! Syntax error: parameter missing, nothing to do"); gotSyntaxError=true; return null; } int x1=p1.length; int x2=p2.length; int y1=p1[0].length; int y2=p2[0].length; switch(f) { // MNOZENJE S SKALARJEM case 's': int scalar=0; result=tableToMatrix(p1); if(isScalar(tableToMatrix(p1))) { scalar=p1[0][0]; //doloci skalar for(int i=0;i<p2.length;i++) for(int j=0;j<p2[i].length;j++) p2[i][j]*=scalar; //in pomnozi s drugim parametrom result=tableToMatrix(p2); } else { //ravno obratno scalar=p2[0][0]; for(int i=0;i<p1.length;i++) for(int j=0;j<p1[i].length;j++) p1[i][j]*=scalar; result=tableToMatrix(p1); } break; // PLUS in MINUS case '+': case '-': //vsota in razlika matrik je definirana samo za matrike enakih dimenzij //vir: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matrix_%28mathematics%29#Sum if(x1!=x2||y1!=y2) { System.out.println("! Syntax error: matrices do not have the same dimension"); gotSyntaxError=true; return null; } for(int x=0;x<x1;x++) { for(int y=0;y<y1;y++) { switch(f) { default: case '+': p1[x][y]+=p2[x][y]; break; case '-': p1[x][y]-=p2[x][y]; break; } } } result=tableToMatrix(p1); break; //KRAT case '*': default: //mnozenje matrik je definirano za matrike, katere stevilo stolpcev ene matrike je enako stevilu vrstic druge //vir: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matrix_multiplication#Ordinary_matrix_product int dx=0; //x dimenzija matrike produkta int dy=0; //y dimenzija matrike produkta int max=0; //sirsa dimenzija if(x1>=x2) { //p1 je daljsi v stolpcih ali pa sta p1 in p2 kvadrat dx=x2; dy=y1; max=x1; } else { //p2 je daljsi v stolpcih dx=x1; dy=y2; max=x2; } if(debug)System.out.printf("doMatrixMath: %d %d %d %d\n",x1,y2,x2,y1); if((x1!=x2||y1!=y2)&&(x1!=y2||x2!=y1)) { System.out.println("! Syntax error: matrices do not have the opposite or same dimension"); gotSyntaxError=true; return null; } if(debug)System.out.printf("doMatrixMath-Multiplication:\ndx = %d\ndy = %d\nmax = %d\n",dx,dy,max); int[][] p = new int[dx][dy]; //dimenzije matrike produkta for(int xp=0;xp<dx;xp++) { for(int yp=0;yp<dy;yp++) { p[xp][yp]=0; for(int x=0;x<max;x++) { if(debug)System.out.printf("p[%d][%d] += p1[%d][%d](%d) * p2[%d][%d](%d)\n", xp,yp,xp,x,p1[xp][x],x,yp,p2[x][yp]); if(x1>=x2) p[xp][yp]+=p2[xp][x]*p1[x][yp]; else p[xp][yp]+=p1[xp][x]*p2[x][yp]; } } } result=tableToMatrix(p); break; } return result; } /**************************************************************************************** PRETVORBA MATRIKE IZ STRING V 2D TABELO INTEGER (done) ****************************************************************************************/ public static int[][] matrixToTable(String matrix,int x,int y) { int[][] result = new int[x][y]; int[] nums = new int[x*y]; //shrani stevilke v 1D tabelo int counter=0; //StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(matrix," ]["); String tokens[]=matrix.split(" |\\[|\\]"); //while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { for(int w=0;w<tokens.length;w++) { try { //String tmp=st.nextToken(); //////// String tmp = tokens[w]; if((tokens[w]==null) || (tokens[w].equals(""))) continue; /////// tmp=tmp.replaceAll("_","-"); try { nums[counter]=Integer.parseInt(tmp); } catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { System.out.printf("! Syntax error: unknown matrix array error\n"); gotSyntaxError=true; return null; } if(debug)System.out.printf("matrixToTable+ %d\n",nums[counter]); counter++; } catch(NumberFormatException nfe) { System.out.printf("! Syntax error: element in matrix is not a number\n"); gotSyntaxError=true; //not a number return null; } } //zapis v 2D tabelo counter=0; for(int i=0;i<x;i++) { for(int j=0;j<y;j++) { result[i][j]=nums[counter]; if(debug)System.out.printf("matrixToTable- {%d,%d} %d\n",i,j,nums[counter]); counter++; } } //vrni rezultat if(debug)System.out.printf("matrixToTable@ %s\n",tableToMatrix(result)); return result; } /**************************************************************************************** PRETVORBA 2D TABELE V STRING MATRIKE ([[1 2][3 4]]) (done) ****************************************************************************************/ public static String tableToMatrix(int[][] tab) { StringBuffer matrix = new StringBuffer(); String result=null; if(tab==null) { if(debug)System.out.println("! Syntax error: null parameter (tableToMatrix)"); gotSyntaxError=true; return null; } matrix.append("[ "); for(int x=0;x<tab.length;x++) { matrix.append("[ "); for(int y=0;y<tab[x].length;y++) { matrix.append(tab[x][y]+" "); } matrix.append("] "); } matrix.append("]"); //Lep izpis, primer: [ [ 2 3 ] [ 4 5 ] ] result=matrix.toString(); if(debug)System.out.printf("tableToMatrix: %s\n",result); return result; } /**************************************************************************************** IZPIS SPREMENLJIVK(done) ****************************************************************************************/ public static void printVars() { Set set = vars.entrySet(); List<String> clean = new ArrayList<String>(); Iterator i = set.iterator(); String var,val; System.out.println("* Listing variables"); while(i.hasNext()) { //sprehodi se po mapSetu Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) i.next(); var = (String) entry.getKey(); val = (String) entry.getValue(); try { val = val.replaceAll("_","-"); //zajebi cel svet in izpisi pravilne minuse System.out.printf("# %s = %s\n",var,val); } catch(NullPointerException e) { System.out.printf("! Empty variable '%s' removed\n",var); clean.add(var); /* shrani seznam spremenljivk za izbris */ } } /* pocisti prazne sprmenljivke */ Iterator j=clean.iterator(); while(j.hasNext())vars.remove(j.next()); /* konec */ System.out.println("* End of list"); } /**************************************************************************************** VRACANJE VREDNOSTI SPREMENLJIVKE (done) ****************************************************************************************/ public static String varToMatrix(String tmp) { String result = tmp; //ce spremenljivka ne obstaja, vrni isti string StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); for(int i=0;i<tmp.length();i++) if(tmp.charAt(i)!=' ') buffer.append(tmp.charAt(i)); String chkEq = buffer.toString(); //v chkEq se nahaja spremenljivka if(debug)System.out.printf("varToMatrix# chkEq(%s)\n",chkEq); Set set = vars.entrySet(); Iterator i = set.iterator(); String var,val; while(i.hasNext()) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) i.next(); var = (String) entry.getKey(); val = (String) entry.getValue(); if(var.equals(chkEq)) result=val; } if(debug)System.out.printf("varToMatrix# %s\n",result); return result; } /**************************************************************************************** METODA ZA PREVERJANJE CE JE PARAMETER STEVILKA (done) ****************************************************************************************/ public static boolean isNumber(String tmp) { boolean result = false; if(tmp!=null)tmp=tmp.replaceAll(" ",""); else return false; try { Integer.parseInt(tmp); result = true; } catch(NumberFormatException nfe) {} return result; } /**************************************************************************************** METODA ZA PREVERJANJE CE JE MATRIKA 1d - SKALAR (done) ****************************************************************************************/ public static boolean isScalar(String tmp) { boolean result=false; if((getMatrixDimensionX(tmp)==1) && (getMatrixDimensionY(tmp)==1)) result=true; return result; } }
PHP:: FreeBSD uptime status
Since FreeBSD does not have /proc/uptime, there is an equivalent with sysctl. You need to execute an unix command with php, and the third word in the string holds the UNIX timestamp of kernel boot.
This function works great with duration() mentioned below.
function uptime() { preg_match('#up (.*?) \d+ user#is',exec('uptime'),$a); $a = str_replace(',','',$a[1]); $a = preg_replace(array('#\:#','#$#'),array(' hours ',' minutes'),$a); strtotime("-$a") $sup = duration($a); $uptime = "Uptime: $sup"; return $uptime; }
PHP: calculating time span duration
I needed a function to print a preety time span duration. Nothing special, just simple as that. It turned out to be usefull for many things, like machine (or any other) uptime and so on.
Return value is something simmilar to
6 days 3 hours 34 minutes 13 secondsSo here goes, the duration() function. It's published here, so I don't have to waste time and reinvent this everytime.
/* Input parameter is the UNIX timestamp of the starting date. The second parameter is optional - It's value is the ending date, also UNIX timestamp. If this parameter is not given, the default date is current date. */ function duration($start,$end=null) { $end = is_null($end) ? time() : $end; $seconds = $end - $start; $days = floor($seconds/60/60/24); $hours = $seconds/60/60%24; $mins = $seconds/60%60; $secs = $seconds%60; $duration=''; if($days>0) $duration .= "$days days "; if($hours>0) $duration .= "$hours hours "; if($mins>0) $duration .= "$mins minutes "; if($secs>0) $duration .= "$secs seconds "; $duration = trim($duration); if($duration==null) $duration = '0 seconds'; return $duration; }
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