Nov 21, 2010

Flash wmode (transparent/opaque/window) z-index

In flash player 9 and below there was a problem with the object's z-index if the wmode was set to window.

When this option is set to transparent, it fixes the z-index issue, but messes up the keyboard layout and mouse wheel events in flash object. Flash player 10.1 fixes the keyboard layout issue.

Setting wmode to opaque keeps the mouse wheel functionality and z-index of absolute elements on the page, but only if you set the background color for the element!

Having a transparent background (or setting the opacity attribute in CSS) (still) does not solve the issue.

Nov 13, 2010

flashlog.txt NS_ERROR_FAILURE

If flash player (debugger) locks the flashlog.txt file (can't be deleted or truncated), try deleting the mm.cfg file and restarting the browser and/or flash player. After that, try using a different plugin/software for reading flash traces.