Jul 28, 2011

Facebook php-sdk 3.0 changes getLoginURL()

Somehow these frequent changes are still poorly documented. Documentation is scattered across forums, changelogs, code comments and docs pages. Never on the single place. This is horrible. I'm sorry Facebook people, but this makes you look incompetent.

The most obvious change is the abandonment of the getSession method. I have also found out that getLoginURL has been changed.
'req_perms' has been changed to 'scope'
'next' has been changed to 'redirect_uri'
'cancel_url' option has been removed. You'll have to find another way. If the user denies access it will be redirected to 'redirect_uri'. The user will also be redirected to 'redirect_uri' if he clicks allow.
You can know if the user denied access by looking at these GET parameters:
[error_reason] => user_denied 
[error] => access_denied 
[error_description] => The user denied your request.
Also worth knowing is that redirect_uri will not work every time on a single page load (without refreshing the page).
The first time the users sees the oauth dialog there will be two options: Allow and Deny. Both buttons will redirect to 'redirect_uri'.
The second time the user sees the oauth dialog, Deny option will be renamed to 'Leave app'. 'redirect_uri' will still work.
The third time and so on, the button 'Leave app' will redirect to facebook.com/home.php

While this may not be entirely precise, it is true that eventually the Deny/Leave app button will not follow the redirect_uri parameter.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How do you prompt the authentication dialog? Thanks, Troy Cloudmit - Web Services Since 1999