Nov 24, 2013

YouTube Full Screen Problem (video doesn't stretch)

Are you tired of seeing this shit on YouTube Full Screen Video?

When clicking on the fullscreen button, the video stretches to about 3/4 of the screen, and the rest is black, so it's not really full screen at all. The hiccup is just in the graphics, because the controls (X Y positions of the buttons) are correct - in the corner on the screen, not where they are displayed.

This problem occurs in Google Chrome, and it's a problem with the Flash Player. To fix it, you need to go to the URL chrome://plugins/ in Chrome, and disable this plugin:

Type:PPAPI (out-of-process)


Refresh the page and...

Et voilà!


Unknown said...

This didn't work for me...


same here

jeancaffou said...

Chrome's or Flash's recent update probably rendered this hack useless.

Unknown said...

that sucks, cause i had some hope